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Communiqué Twin Timelines
Part IV (From 2016)
The prophetic parallels system, where we learn Old Covenant Israel
interacted with six Gentile Empires (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon,
Persia, Greece and Rome) which are precisely paralleled by six
Christian era Empires (Holy Roman, Imperial Spain, British Commonwealth, USSR,
Third Reich, and America), is still being steadfastly resisted, as large
incorporated structures in the religious arena are not in a position where they
can receive a course correction from the Holy Spirit.
In many cases, as deeply vested interests exist within Christian
constructs, certain doctrinal beliefs can become impediments to an accurate
perception of prophetically significant events. For example, if you’re
sold on the so called “Revived Roman Empire” doctrine -- which says
10 European kings will reunite as the “beast” empire in the end
times – (and a different manifestation of the “beast”
arrives), you may very well discount the reality before you.
hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see
with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I
should heal them” (John 12:40).
In another belief structure, for many centuries, Protestants who believe
the Papacy is the “Antichrist” have inaccurately claimed that Roman
Catholics invented the idea there is Future prophecy yet to be
fulfilled. This brand of believer says the Kingdom of God (and the prophesied
thousand year reign of Christ) is now underway. Thus, when peculiar
historical events in the last two thousand years closely match ancient Biblical
prophecy, they routinely diminish those demonstrable facts, in
order to sustain their erroneous belief that there is no future prophecy to
be fulfilled.
Through this thought process, the alleged Antichrist could make a widely
seen appearance, accompanied by all “power and signs and lying
wonders” (II Thessalonians 2:9), and millions of people
would reject what their own eyes are telling them – and all because they
haven’t been “Raptured.”
This is the process known as the Dialectic, where we
conduct an internal dialogue with ourselves whenever our existing paradigm is
threatened by objective truth.
people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected
knowledge, I will also reject thee” (Hosea 4:6).
As Christians, if we find the previous verse applies to ourselves, and
that applicability makes us uncomfortable (because we realize we are rejecting
knowledge), many would then begin to reason the term “my
people” must not apply to Christians, it must apply to Jews. This is a
classic example of how the baby boom generation (as well as millennials) have
been educated and conditioned to think with the Dialectic
To put it another way, since Christians are obviously God’s people
(see II Corinthians 6:16 for Scriptural proof), when facts
disrupt our relationship with beliefs that are not consistent with absolute
truth, we deceive ourselves through the reasoning process, so that we
can continue the affinity we have with the faulty belief system.
This is what happened to Eve in the Garden of Eden. God
clearly said if you eat the fruit of the forbidden tree, you’ll die.
That’s a fact. However, as Eve evaluated her environment,
she saw that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was physically just
like all the other trees – and she was emotionally and intellectually
(Flesh and Blood components) fascinated by the one thing that was forbidden. As
she conducted a Dialogue with the serpent, her reasoning
process diminished the fact the tree was forbidden by the LORD and, as the Dialectic
process progressed, her conclusion was completely based on the Flesh and Blood
when the woman saw that the tree was good for food [in the physical
dimension], and that it was pleasant to the eyes [in the physical
dimension], and a tree to be desired to make one wise [in the physical
dimension], she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat [causing Death in
the Spiritual Dimension]” (Genesis 3:6).
Back to the facts of history, most believers know the story of how the King of Babylon lost his mind for a lengthy period, but regained his sanity in time to retain his throne (Daniel 4:33).
However, very few
are aware that the British crown – which runs parallel to Babylon
as the third of the six parallel kingdoms – also had a
famous King who lost his mind for a significant period - but regained his
sanity in time to retain his throne.
He was King George III, and his struggle with madness was artfully
documented in an award winning theatrical motion picture, entitled The
Madness of King George. With his empire depicted with the emblem of a lion
standing on two legs, he was the despotic king of England who fiercely resisted
American independence in 1776.
[beast] was like a lion, and had eagle’s wings: I beheld till the
wings thereof were plucked” (Daniel 7:4).
The “plucking” of the “eagle’s wings” (with
the eagle an obvious emblem of America) occurred in 1776, the very time
when Mad King George sat on the British throne. The prophecies of the Bear
Kingdom, which follows the Lion Kingdom of England, apply to the Soviet
Union with equally astonishing detail. This means the prophecies of Daniel
continue to be fulfilled throughout the Christian era, and they continue
right up to the present day. Unfortunately, as JESUS told us
“many false prophets shall rise” (Matthew 24:11) in the last
days, the world’s incorporated “Christian” institutions are
so deeply committed to faulty systemic approaches, the truth of the Twin
Timelines threatens their existing paradigm.
These Prophetic Parallels are detailed, precise, and
supernaturally generated – and with the empire of Rome
serving as the parallel to America, they are also predictive.
Since the gatekeepers of every established denomination, and every
doctrinal system are threatened by the facts, we are doing
exactly what JESUS did when the leavened Israelite establishment refused
to embrace the truth. In short, just as JESUS went directly to the
people, Christian Media is presenting the truth to anyone who is willing
to set aside their Dialectic conditioning, and seek the truth of
the LORD of glory.
shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who
hath ears to hear, let him hear” (Matthew 13:43). -- James Lloyd
To Be Continued |
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