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Christian Media is now embarking on a revolutionary new project. We are reprinting the original written Communique series, begun in June 2016, describing Donald Trump’s rise as a Prophetic Parallel of numerous Scriptural sequences. This written account was called Twin Timelines. The first chapter consists of articles written in May and June of 2016 as we became aware of the Sequential Recapitulation that was occurring.


We are simultaneously producing new video based on these chapters, with programs beginning in January 2025. Once again, the below writing is reprinted from 2016, as now President Trump was running for his first term in office.




Christian Media





Part I






In the wake of the stunning turn of events in which Donald Trump was elected President, the pattern of Twin Timelines in prophecy is again reaffirmed.


Contrary to the many prophetic scenarios which have captured the hearts and minds of millions of Christians, Christian Media has repeatedly shown that America fulfills the allegorical imagery of the Beast entity in our time. To briefly recap, the six ancient Gentile empires, which overshadowed Old Covenant Israel (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome), were recapitulated as the Holy Roman, Catholic Spanish Empire, British Commonwealth, Soviet Union, Third German Reich, and America in the New Covenant era.


The latter four (England, Russia, Germany, and America) are seen in Daniel 7’s Lion, Bear, Leopard, and Diverse Beast symbolism. They are also seen in the Four Horsemen of Revelation (the White, Red, Black, and Pale Horsemen), which synchronizes Daniel and Revelation.


This is a strikingly precise prophetic parallel, as the Old Testament physical Israelites (and Jews) were profoundly impacted by the ancient six physical Gentile powers. When JESUS CHRIST translated the house of Israel into a Spiritual body through the new birth in the Spirit of God, the six AD era kingdoms which commenced, interacted with the born again body of Christ. As the Christians organized and developed churches, their religious structures recapitulated the role of backslidden Israel in the ancient timeline.


From the earliest time, the LORD called Israel to be the focal point of His mediation, as a light to the Gentiles.


“I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth” (Isaiah 49:6).


As the New Testament book of Hebrews (and John 1:3) shows, it was Christ (even in the Old Testament period), who shone His light through Israel to the nations. However, when Israel turned away from the LORD, Christ stepped out of eternity to continue His divinely ordained role of a light to the nations.


“As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world (John 9:5).


Upon His departure, the LORD conferred His presence upon the disciples (John 20:22), and they (and subsequently we) became the Israel which Christ utilizes to mediate His glory to the Spiritual Gentiles.


“Ye are the light of the world. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake” (Mathew 5:14, 11).


The Apostle Paul confirmed the Christian believers are the light of the world, shining through our temples (our bodies), and this fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy which plainly stated that the body of Christ is to be viewed as born again Israel, shining His light to the Gentiles.


“For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth. And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed(Acts 13:47).


Many believers would see the “Church” as a second chosen body, which came into existence when the Jews rejected Christ. Some say that the “Church” replaced Israel, while others, cognizant of the many Old Testament prophecies which promise the LORD “will yet choose Israel” (Isaiah 14:1), see a future regathering of the Flesh and Blood Jews into salvation in Christ. However, salvation in Christ is achieved through His Death and Resurrection, and that salvation occurred in the Spirit of the LORD at the cross – and it obviously began in the first century. Thus, since there were mostly people of Jewish descent in the early body of Christ, it is unscriptural to say the salvation of Israel did not occur at that time.


“Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. And if [that salvation is] by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it(Romans 11:5).


For many years, the LORD has bestowed understanding on us concerning this hugely important identification, and we have consistently sought to provide a witness to the Spiritual churches of our land, concerning the profound events which now envelop us. We have further warned the believers that the collective “Church,” which has surrendered its sovereignty to the Antichrist powers, parallels the Old Testament body of fallen Israel. As such, every person alive is now commanded to “come out of her,” as her judgment draws near.


Although many prophets regularly cite the “come out of her” statements in Revelation 18:4, few connect it to Christ’s imperative that we are to come unto Him in a direct, and personal way.


Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls” (Matthew 11:28, 29).


Continuing in the New Covenant era manifestation of the Twin Timelines, those who genuinely respond to the truth have become a part of the Remnant of Spiritual Israel, which parallels the Remnant spoken of in Romans.


“Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. And if [that salvation is] by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. What then? [Old Covenant] Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election [born again Israel] hath obtained it” (Romans 11:5).


-- James Lloyd




But Trump Said This A Month Ago…


Those who have followed the Christian Media ministry’s pronouncement that present day America is indeed the Beast Empire described in the Bible, have been aware of the USA’s identity in prophecy for some time. Further, for many years we’ve shouted from the rooftops the “Deadly Wound” which strikes the allegorical head of the beast seen in Revelation (and is subsequently “healed”), must be applied to our nation. However, as far as we know, not one of the alleged Christian prophets of our time even noticed the veiled prophetic statement recently uttered by the controversial figure Donald Trump. Speaking about the economic damage which has been inflicted on America due to the insidious policies of our wicked leaders, Trump declared the following:


“It’s a wound, and it’s a wound that we have to heal” (Donald Trump, speaking to a partisan crown in May 2016).  


Considering the fact that Mr. Trump made this statement on May 26th -- almost a full month before the stock market meltdown of June 24th (which was triggered by the exit of Britain from the European Union), it is clear that prophetically significant events are occurring in front of our very eyes – and we would all do well to recognize just what is happening. 


Before providing a bit of background on these amazing statements (and the economic events of the last few days), I’ll note I have already confirmed the fiery presidential candidate actually said these words, as I located a recording of the utterance, and have played the clip on this week’s installment of my radio and television prophecy broadcast The Apocalypse Chronicles (see below for how to access the video containing the Trump statement).


Even though I’ve written extensively on America’s crucial role in end time’s prophecy (including authoring a lengthy book entitled The Rise And Fall Of The Romerican Empire), I was certainly taken aback by Donald Trump’s choice of words. I might add I’ve asked the LORD many times to give me clarity on where we go from here, so I consider this most extraordinary statement confirms our understanding of the prophetic position of America in Bible prophecy.   


Most prophecy students are either hopelessly confused at the plethora of prophetic opinions, or they’ve simply resigned themselves to the unscriptural idea that Christians can “agree to disagree” on the subject of prophetic truth. The fact is, we must not settle for the almost truth of contradictory prophetic perspectives. The body of Christ is in terrible peril, and the blind guides who lead the majority of believers are derogatorily characterized by the genuine prophets, whose writings are found in the Holy Bible.


“His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter” (Isaiah 56:10, 11).


Christian Media has repeatedly detailed how the six ancient empires of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome are recapitulated in the Christian era as the Holy Roman, Imperial Spanish, British Commonwealth, Soviet Union, Nazi Reich, and American Empires. This is a supernaturally instituted, bizarre parallel with striking similarities to the ancient sequential set. Indeed, although astonishing evidence has already been put forth indicating the truth of these things, we’ve learned that unless the Spirit of the LORD moves in the hearts and minds of the believers, to compel them to grasp the implications of these facts, the vast majority is scheduled to reject the prophetic truth:


“And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power” (I Corinthians 2:4). 


Space precludes another detailed recitation of how the kingdoms of man count down, in the Christian era, to the end of the age. The fact is, the body of Christ is paralleling the apostasy of Old Covenant Israel, and the Scriptures have told us this throughout the text:


“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Now all these things happened unto [Israel] for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come” (Ecclesiastes 1:9, I Corinthians 1:11).


As time is short and we are engaged in Spiritual warfare on many prophetic fronts, the fastest way to learn of what the LORD has already revealed is to watch this week’s video presentation of my program The Apocalypse Chronicles. It is completely free to view, and is online for on-demand viewing by anyone, until next week’s prophecy show is uploaded in its place. In case you’re wondering how this material came to you, we acknowledge that this essay is being sent to thousands of believers, pastors, and ministry figures on an unsolicited basis. Further, because we already know from experience the spiritual tares which inhabit the LORD’s wheat field will always try to destroy the truth (Galatians 4:29) by seeking to damage our ability to distribute this material (Genesis 12:3), we dare not include website links in this Eblast


Please do not mistake this Communique for political propaganda, as we serve neither party, but are tasked with disseminating the prophetic truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. The video program I’ve referenced explains in some detail, how the United States of America has now come to a crucial crossroads, and it summarizes the sequence of the Lion, Bear, Leopard, and Diverse Beast (the “Diverse” Beast is indeed America) found in Daniel 7, as well as where we are in the prophetic timeline. As previously stated, in order to protect this work from the Spirit that moves in the children of disobedience, we do not provide the Internet domain for learning more about this critical subject. However, if you wish to view the video program (we have a radio version as well), all that is needed is a reply with the word YES! in the subject line. The material on Donald Trump’s startling acknowledgement of America’s deadly wound, in his own words, is played on this program. Conversely, if you desire to be deleted from our email list, simply reply to this Email with the word REMOVE in the subject line, and we’ll cheerfully remove your name from our list.


Finally, those of you who recognize the power of prayer in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ, please add my name to those you intercede for, and ask that God will be glorified in this project.




Ministry Status Report & Commentary On

Twin Timelines


Tuesday 11/15/2016


Dear Friends, 


This is the companion note related to this week’s Prophecy Eblast. A new prophecy essay is being distributed today, entitled TWIN TIMELINES. 


Those of you receiving this Email will receive that essay today. TWIN TIMELINES addresses how the LORD’s New Covenant moved the fulfillment of His promises to Israel into the Spiritual realm.


The tumultuous events surrounding the election of Donald Trumphave given people of faith a hope that this world will now follow a better course. This is largely because of the lengthy reign of evil which has prevailed since GHW Bush announced The New World Order in 1991.


His manifestation of the rider of the White Horse of Revelation was followed by Bill Clinton’s manifestation of the Red Horse, GW Bush’s Black Horse, and Barack Obama’s Pale Horse.


This pattern demonstrates what we call the Armageddon Script, where the prophetic patterns loop over and over again over time. Twice, Donald Trump has mysteriously referred to America’s Deadly Wound as something that “we need to heal” (during the campaign as well as his recent victory speech), and we have noted it was a sign for the Remnant.


As Trump leads Americans in “healing” the deadly wound which was/is inflicted upon the American “head” of the beast, the martyrs (seen in the 5th seal following the horsemen) come into view – but they are Spiritual martyrs, as the more we are invested in this world (particularly via the newfound hope that America will revive), the more the true kingdom of God is leavened.


As we’ve repeatedly shown (along with many others), Bill and Hillary have long shown the Ahab/Jezebel characteristics, which even anticipate her defeat would be connected to a Spiritual version of the “dogs” which Elijah said would devour her (I Kings 21:23). A recent political essay carried the blaring headline “Trump Has Captured The Blue Dog Vote” – indicating the coalition of conservative Democrats, which once formed an important part of her partisan base, deserted her.


This is, by the way, the origin of the colloquial expression which states one can be thrown to the dogs. A modern equivalent is being thrown under the bus. We even noted how Jehu placed the heads of Ahab and Jezebel’s progeny in two baskets, and stacked their dismembered heads in two piles at the gate of Jezreel (Esdraelon in the Greek), a locale which is associated with the place/name Armageddon (II Kings 10:7). This deplorable act was connected to Hillary’s widely publicized statement that Trump’s supporters amounted to “half a basket full of deplorables.”


Much more about Jehu’s victory over Jezebel at Jezreel is addressed in my new book, The Dragons of Esdraelon. This places Trump in the role of Jehu and, although the LORD brings him to power, he does not do the will of the LORD.


But Jehu took no heed to walk in the law of the Lord God of Israel with all his heart” (II Kings 10:31).


Whether Donald Trump follows Jehu’s life in the next sequence remains to be seen, but with the defeat of Hillary Clinton, we have an indicator of a Scriptural pattern to point to the future.


One of the crucial points in Twin Timelines is how we consistently tend to revert to the physical world in our read of prophecy. This is in spite of the fact that it is obvious the New Covenant must be considered to be in a Spiritual venue.


For example, most know the first century Christians were to flee Jerusalem when they saw its “desolation thereof is nigh” (Luke 21:20). Yet few of us see the prophetic parallel in the passage telling the LORD’s people to “come out of her” to avoid Babylon’s fate -- because they don’t recognize the “Babylon” of Revelation is Spiritual Jerusalem in a leavened state.


“The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened” (Matthew 13:33).


There is much more, and this week’s topic, Twin Timelines is covered in the online video found at Last but not least, we again ask the body of Christ to pray for us at Christian Media, as we are under new levels of attack, and only the LORD can preserve and keep us from the enemy of our souls.


We bless you in the name of the LORD! 


In Christ,






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